When analysis meets the art

Antoine DAGUIN
Director of the laboratory
Assesor COFRAC ISO 17025 and GLP
Analysis Instructor for the UE
'Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.' Marc Aurèle
We are concious that our history has shaped the fundamental basis of our evolution and gives us a perspective on our future. That is why we carried out a structural introspection on what this history has generated as added value but more importantly as fundamental values: the so-called corporate culture, the culture of our company.
Artisanalysis is a human story that highlights the qualities and skills of the laboratory's craftsmen. It is the proof that by taking the time to listen, to understand, to coach, to build together... the Human factor has much more value than automation!
civil responsibility
The laboratory was initiated by the Ministry of Agriculture, which is partly responsible for running some of the activities. This supervision has engraved in the culture of the laboratory the importance of following the regulations, the definitions and in general the "Public Service".
academic background
The University of Angers is the real scientific backbone of the laboratory. The university which has been running the laboratory for more than twenty years has promoted the need for communication, in terms of scientific communication but also the transmission of knowledge in order to accompany innovations and technological changes.
agricultural values
Since the creation of the laboratory, agricultural values have always been a central matter. The board of directors is made up of a very large majority of representatives from the agricultural sector. That is why pragmatism in the management of priorities, and constant demand for convincing results are at the very core of the laboratory.

the ERLENMEYER of our values
The combination of values the laboratory's employees bring to the table.
Aurélie - Amandine - Flavie - Marina - Sara - Lucie - Élodie - Mélanie - Nathalie - Sylvain - Nathalie - Olivier - Imane - Solène - Séverine - Lucille - Maud - Gwenaëlle - Guillaume - Anaïs - Sarah - Pierre-Yves - Sonia - Véronique - Timothée - Antoine
343 years
of collective experience
It is at the very heart of the system. Without it, the laboratory would be a mere shadow of what it is and would not be relevant towards you, our partners, for whom we carry out meaningful analyses.
The technicians who work on a daily basis are interested in the challenge of satisfying you with an adapted dosage, tailored to your needs. This is a strong commitment to the service we provide.
Thanks to this level of requirements, sometimes turning into an obsession, experienced technicians and engineers are transformed into experts.
A prerequisite for sustainability. Our responsibility in terms of health and environmental safety is very strong. Our results determine the placing on the market, the storage, the disposal and, above all, the consumer's safety.
We must not fail, at the risk of multiple and potentially disastrous consequences. Therefore, we always work for faster and more sensitive protocols, with the most suitable quality system for customer satisfaction. To produce in accordance with the expected level.
We also include the notion of adapting, to the needs, the order, the budget, keeping in mind the excellency that is our trademark.
It is part of our daily life. We have a strong sense of social responsibility, and it is very important for us to make the laboratory an open and accessible world for everyone ! Especially our partners, for whom a result cannot be self-sufficient.
We need context to carry out an analysis, and to give it all its added value because we will have integrated all the parameters and understood all the issues.
We are also involved in the training and supervision of the technicians, engineers and doctors of tomorrow in order to pass on all our knowledge and best practices.
Taking the time to do it right. The craftsman - like the customer - knows (should know) that a work well done takes time, and that patience pays off (if not for a bad result).
Our society of immediacy is the opposite of this concept. The frustration of not being able to enjoy a good promptly must give way to the sense of expectation. One need does not follow another.
Promptness is necessary however, haste is often counterproductive.
- All the processes, knowledge and rules relating to the exercise of any activity or action,
- Skill, talent, gift for doing something,
- The French word "art" derives from ars, artis which means "skill, profession, technical knowledge". According to the Dictionary of Philosophical Concepts, Ars can also mean "profession, talent", but also "process, cunning, way of behaving" and only later " creation of works", a term translating from Greek tekhnè. The meaning of the term art has historically shifted from "means" to "result".
- Direct manual contribution of the artisan who remains the most important component of the finished product. The special nature of artisanal products is based on their distinctive characteristics, which can be utilitarian, aesthetic, artistic...
- The production and transformation of goods and services through the excellence of the leader's expertise is the fundamental role of the head of the company. He/she engages his personal responsibility and controls the entire production process, as well as the acquisition, development and capitalization of knowledge through apprenticeship. He/she is also accountable for the integration of the company in the territory through its social responsibility.